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Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (Language Centre) - University of Florence

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  Selecting the level of the course to be taken

Level A2
In order to take an A2-level course you must be familiar with the following A1-level grammar:

- use of the present, passato prossimo and imperfect indicative of high-frequency verbs, including the reflexive form
- use of the imperative (tu, voi)
- use of vorrei
- use of c'è, ci sono
- use of stare + gerund ( Laura sta andando a lezione )
- gender and number of nouns: masculine/feminine, singular/plural
- definite and indefinite articles
- high-frequency adjectives ( bello, buono etc. )
- agreement of adjectives with nouns
- demonstrative, interrogative, possessive and ordinal pronouns ( questo, chi?, mio, primo etc. )
- personal subject pronouns
- direct object pronouns ( Fai tu le fotocopie? Sì, le faccio io )
- use of simple and compound prepositions in the most important functions
- high-frequency adverbs ( sì, bene, poi, qui, poco, forse, dove? etc. )
- conjunctions and linkers ( e, ma, o, perché, quando etc. )

To choose Level A2 you must also check that your listening and reading comprehension skills are those acquired at the A1 level by reading the self-evaluation chart for Level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (link)

If do not have the requisite skills for Level A2, enrol at the bottom of this page at Level A1

Level B1
In order to take a B1-level course you must be familiar with the following A2-level grammar:

- use of the passato prossimo and imperfect indicative to narrate past events
- use of the conditional simple to make polite requests, express wishes and to express doubts
- use of the future simple
- masculine nouns in -a, feminine nouns in -o and in -tà, -tà (programma/programmi, mano/mani, università/università, virtù/virtù etc.)
- partitives (del pane, della frutta etc.)
- comparisons of degree between nouns and pronouns, the absolute superlative (Il corso di statica è più difficile di quello di costruzioni; Chiara è molto preparata, Anna è bravissima )
- use of the locative ci (Vai a lezione? Sì, ci vado)
- indefinite adjectives and pronouns (molto, poco etc.)
- agreement of the past participle with direct object pronouns (Hai fatto le fotocopie? Sì, le ho fatte)
- indirect object pronouns (Quando telefoni a Leonardo? Gli telefono subito)
- the relative pronoun che
- use of simple and compound prepositions in causal, locative and temporal functions
- adverbs of place, means and time
- conjunctions and linkers (che, mentre, però, se etc.)

To choose Level B1 you must also check that your listening and reading comprehension skills are those acquired at the A2 level by reading the self-evaluation chart for Level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (link)

Level B2

In order to take a B2-level course you must be familiar with the following B1-level grammar:

- use of the past perfect (trapassato prossimo)
- use of the imperative
- use of the present and imperfect subjunctives in order to express opinion, doubt and hope
- polite use of the imperfect
- conditional structures (Se posso, ti chiamo; Se avessi tempo, ci andrei)
- use of the impersonal si with simple tenses (Si parla molto della riforma universitaria)
- masculine nouns in -co, -go, nouns with only one form, nouns with irregular plurals (amico/amici, arco/archi, sarcofago/sarcofagi, lago/laghi, il/la pianista, mille/mila, dio/dei etc.)
- degree in adjectives and adverbs
- relative pronouns
- linked pronouns (me lo, te lo etc.)
- indefinite adjectives and pronouns (qualche, ognuno, alcuni etc.)
- use of simple and compound prepositions in the principle functions
- conjunctions and linkers (anche se, appena, cioè, dopo che, dunque, infatti, né, neanche, perciò etc.)

To choose Level B2 you must also check that your listening and reading comprehension skills are those acquired at the B1 level by reading the self-evaluation chart for Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Link)

Level C1
(The Centro linguistico offers courses at C1 Level only in some periods of the year)

In order to take a C1-level course you must be familiar with the following B2-level grammar:

- use of the passato remoto
- use of the past and past perfect subjunctives
- use of the compound conditional
- use of the futuro composto
- structures combining indicative, subjunctive and conditional moods
- conditional structures
- use of indefinite forms of verbs (infinitive, gerund, participle)
- the passive voice
- feminine nouns in -cia, -gia; variations with the meaning of the noun (camicia/camicie, doccia/docce, valigia/valigie, spiaggia/spiagge etc. il tavolo/la tavola etc.)
- compound adjectives and their plural forms (economico-finanziario/economico-finanziari etc.)
- use of the personal subject pronouns egli, ella, essi, esse
- use of causal, temporal, final, concessive and conditional conjunctions (poiché, prima che, affinché, sebbene, a patto che etc.)

To choose Level C1 you must also check that your listening and reading comprehension skills are those acquired at the B2 level by reading the self-evaluation chart for Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Link)

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